Lori Vrba is a self-taught multi-media artist based in Hillsborough, North Carolina. Her imagery and assemblage are rooted in themes of memory, illusion, loss, and revival with the southern sensibilities of storytelling.

All tagged 2022
Lori Vrba is a self-taught multi-media artist based in Hillsborough, North Carolina. Her imagery and assemblage are rooted in themes of memory, illusion, loss, and revival with the southern sensibilities of storytelling.
Ami Vitale, National Geographic photographer, writer, and filmmaker, has been a pioneer in creating unique conservation stories that amplify the work of communities on the frontlines of grassroots conservation.
Sandra Klein is an artist whose images, whether captured with a camera or composited, portray a layered world that, though filled with anxiety and trauma, still is rich with joy.
Heather Evans Smith is a photo-based artist whose work reflects her southern roots, motherhood, womanhood, and a whimsical imagination she relied on as an only child in a rural town. Her photographic imagery explores the ideas of memory, loss, and family in conceptual settings.
Esha Chiocchio is passionate about environmental conservation and the preservation of traditional wisdom, and uses her photography to highlight societal and climate solutions.
Ella Morton is a Canadian visual artist and filmmaker living in Toronto. Working primarily with lens-based media, she uses experimental analogue processes to capture the sublime and fragile qualities of remote landscapes.
Jaime Aelavanthara is an Assistant Professor of Art at the University of Tampa department of Art + Design. Her work explores themes of the human condition and an interconnectedness with nature, often using the cyanotype printmaking process.